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Dealer Support Conference!

Filter Pure Systems hosted their first Dealer Support Conference last week and what a success! Vince Paglino, our Dealer Support Manager, did a great job setting up this conference. We had a huge turn out as dealers and re-sellers from all over Florida came to participate in product and sales training. Vince invited Rod Berry from Everpure to lead the training with some information on Everpure’s new 2013 products, as well as, basic technical training on the MRS-600-HE-II (which is a very complex reverse osmosis system). The conference was very hands on as dealers/re-sellers were able to physically touch and work on filtration systems, provided by Everpure. Vince also took some time to go over cold calling techniques and how to ask customers the right questions. I asked Vince what his goal was for the conference. He replied, “We want to become a resource to our dealers. We want to build their knowledge on the products we distribute, as well as train them on how to sell these products. We want them to be the best sales person in their field through application, troubleshooting, and product knowledge. This conference is a launching pad for individual support, on and off the field for all our dealers. The way I see it, if they win, we win.” Below are some pictures from the event. We are already getting calls asking when our next conference will be! For more information on our Dealer Support Program and upcoming conferences, please contact Vince Paglino at 1-800-942-7873, or email him at