Water Softener Filter

If hard water is the problem a Water Softener just might be the solution. A water softener replaces excessive calcium and magnesium ions in your water with sodium ions, which lack the ill effects of other minerals. In the shower, hard water creates a film of soap scum over your skin, which may prevent dirt and bacteria from being cleaned from your body. In the laundry room, hard water renders clothes dirty to the eye and scratchy to the skin. And in the pipes running to these areas, hard water causes scale buildup and can limit water flow and clog pipes entirely. Filter Pure stocks Pentair and Hydrotech water softeners and water softening filter cartridges. It is always best to start with a water sample to know just what the water hardness causing your water problem is, (measured in grains per gallon). Have a water test and need a solution or don’t have a water test and need one? Call our Customer Service Team at 1-800-942-7873. 

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